Steve Jobs Passes at 56

Yesterday all over my Facebook feed I saw “RIP STEVE JOBS” from my peers. At New England School of Communications we thrive on Apple products. Every computer classroom has an iMAC and most students have MacBooks and MacBook Pros – this is being typed on a MacBook Pro. It was not too long ago that Jobs stepped down as CEO of Apple, and it is sad to hear that he loss the fight against cancer.

The Digital Life has reported that the Westboro Baptist Church wants to protest at Jobs’ funeral – which makes no sense at all. Do they just want to protest at everyone’s funeral? What did Jobs do wrong in their eyes; is it that he allowed homosexuals to purchase his products?

Steve Jobs will be remembered forever, he will be written about in text books and studied in the same way we study Benjamin Franklin. He is like the Ben Franklin or Thomas Edison of our generation, and he will definitely be remembered and his legacy will live on.

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