Apple iPhone 5 Introduced Tuesday; Will Twitter Explode?

Well, it’s that time again. That time Apple introduces another product we all expect to be super cool, and have a presentation that we know will be super cool. This one is scheduled for Tuesday and to rollout the much anticipated iPhone 5, which is said to have a better camera and longer battery life.

The only uncool aspect of this news will be the absence of Apple Co-Founder and CEO Steve Jobs, who usually gives these presentations. This time, it will be new Apple CEO Tim Cook on stage, and not doing his best impersonation of Mr. Jobs.

But with or without Steve, signs point to a Twitter explosion Tuesday.

As of this writing, two Twitterers reported 1.4 Tweets per second about the iPhone 5; the number of Twitter Tweets is 8,868 tweets per second for Beyonce’s Baby Bump, followed by 7,196 tweet updates per second for the Women’s World Cup final, and 5,106 tweets per second for the news of Osama Bin Laden’s killing by American forces.

Can the iPhone 5 intro top all of those?

The bet here is no, and for one simple reason: television.

All of those events were fueled by television. Apple’s announcement will not be televised live for free view in America. You can catch it on, say, the TechCrunch live stream, and perhaps some other online outlets, but not on free, live TV.

So no. Twitter may explode, but the tweet-per-second record will not be broken.

Stay tuned.

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