Blaine Gabbert stops Twitter Tweets Before Cam Newton Game

Is Blaine Gabbert so nervous about facing-off against the Carolina Panthers’ Cam Newton, Gabbert can’t Twitter tweet?

Blaine Gabbert, the Jacksonville Jaquars NFL Draft 1st Round Pick (10), is a prolific Twitter user. According to Twitter Grader, Gabbert has 2,198 tweets, 32,584 followers, 132 he follows back, and has a “100” score as of this writing. Blaine is ranked 34,980 out of 10,656,377 on Twitter, and has gained 24,000 followers in just about one year.

Here’s Blaine at the 2011 NFL Draft:

With all of this, Gabbert, who normally posts multiple times a day on Twitter, sometimes controversially, has suddenly stopped tweeting. Blaine’s last tweet, as of this writing, was on September 21, 2011:

@BlaineGabbert Blaine Gabbert
Thanks to all for the support and best wishes.

And his Twitter page background image is still from his playing days at Missouri.

But Blaine Gabbert’s sudden Twitter silence can only mean the Jacksonville Jaquars told him to stop tweeting. That and he’s nervous about tweeting anything that could be taken out of context.

And no wonder.

The Jaquars elected to start Gabbert for the game against Cam Newton and the Carolina Panthers, at Carolina. To me, that the Jaquars elected to start Gabbert for this game was not just because Luke McCown did a terrible job, but because they wanted to see how he would do in competition with Newton.

But this blogger can’t help but wonder if Jacksonville was also playing with a racial element, first because of the way Cam Newton was treated prior to being drafted number one in the 2011 NFL Draft, and because Gabbbert’s white. Unless you think otherwise, Blaine’s being watched by the wackos over at Stormfront, The White Nationalist Forum dedicated to White Supremacy. There’s even a forum called “Cheer upcoming White Football Star section.”

Oh brother. Will someone fix these guys brains? Please?

This blogger can say that Gabbert’s not at all racist, and would prefer to avoid talking about the matter. He’s a competitor, like Cam Newton. And a person who’s really nervous about his upcoming game against the guy, Cam Newton, he thought he should have been picked before.

But Cam Newton’s a prodigy. Blaine will see that on Sunday.

Stay tuned.

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