Cisco’s New Branding To Rollout 4th Quarter Of 2011

According to a source, Cisco’s in the process of rebuilding its entire brand all over again after laying off 6,500 people three months ago.

In may, Cisco’s revenues were less than projected, Wall Street investors and media took note, and Cisco sacked employees and brands like the much-mentioned Flip Video Camera used by this blogger. The overall objective: to cut $1 billion from its expenses.

The planning for “the new Cisco” is still underway, with a possible rollout in the 4th Quarter of this year. It’s not that Cisco’s still doing its brainstorming sessions – not at all – they’re done. Now, it’s putting all of the documents in place that’s going on.

Something else, the source point to “management problems at the top” but without going into details. Cisco “is going back to what it does best,” the source says.

What that is we’ll get a better picture of later this year. This corner hope’s so. It would be great to have something positive to blog about Cisco Systems.

Stay tuned.

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