Google Analytics Considers Blogger A Social Network #tech #socialmedia

If you are a professional blogger and vlogger / YouTube Partner, like me, then chances are you’re addicted to metric reports, and more often than not those from Google Analytics. What’s interesting is that while bloggers consider blogs not social networks, as in Darren Rouse’ take on his ProBlogger site, Google Analytics seems to disagree.

I noticed two things when I have looked at my traffic in Google Analytics of late. First, that sessions from social media users has doubled over the last year.

Second, that the volume is now double that of what I get from search engines as a whole. But something else: Blogger, Google’s blog platform, is listed as a social network, right up there with Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin.

I can’t find a post or any content that explains why Google’s doing this. I would have to guess that Google believes it’s platform behaves like a social network – though many would disagree because Blogger is a popular blogging platform!

If anyone knows what the deal is here, chime in. It’s interesting, to be sure.

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