Naming Rights Revenue To Oakland Raiders Forgotten In Las Vegas Stadium SNTIC Talks – Vlog

Naming Rights Revenue To Oakland Raiders Forgotten In Las Vegas Stadium SNTIC Talks

Naming Rights Revenue To Oakland Raiders Forgotten In Las Vegas Stadium SNTIC Talks

Naming Rights and Stadium Sponsorship Revenues in the case of the Oakland Raiders plans for a Las Vegas Stadium have not been seriously considered and for all practical purposes forgotten by the Southern Nevada Tourism and Infrastructure Committee (SNTIC).

By my estimation the Oakland Raiders could clear $250 million in stadium naming rights in Las Vegas (In the Oakland case, the Raiders could gain the same level of naming rights revenue for different reasons).

But that has not been factored in to the revenue talks. The return on investment picture would look much different if the monies from those sources were included.

And stadium sponsorship revenues have also not received a clear and good going over by the SNTIC. Only one document had a breakdown of those revenues and it was just for one year – not for a multi-year period. Not for 30 years. Nor 20 years.

The SNTIC Board is being led down a path without proper guidance and consultancy. The Las Vegas Sand and Oakland Raiders and Majestic Realty people are playing them for fools.

Stay tuned.

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