SNTIC Final Draft Recs Has Oakland Raiders Las Vegas NFL Stadium Pending – Vlog

SNTIC Final Draft Recs Has Oakland Raiders Las Vegas NFL Stadium Pending

SNTIC Final Draft Recs Has Oakland Raiders Las Vegas NFL Stadium Pending

The Southern Nevada Tourism and Infrastructure Committee has released a draft of its final recommendation – but “Recommendation 2” for the Oakland Raiders Las Vegas NFL Stadium (or a stadium, period) is left marked as “pending”.

That is because there’s a lot of reports and documents and land issues to consider. Also, there’s the matter of that $750 million subsidy, which one of the SNTIC Consultants said to me was “a gift from Sheldon Adelson” – but since that person does not represent Las Vegas Sands or Adelson directly, I was shocked.

So who is paying the SNTIC Consultants?

Here are the recommendations for now:

Recommendation 1: – That the Nevada State Legislature increase the transient lodging tax by 0.5 percent in Clark County to fund construction of the Las Vegas Convention Center expansion and renovation
project; implement a cap on the total annual transient lodging tax collection allowance local entities can receive at $25 million, with any amount greater than that directed to fund construction of the convention center expansion and renovation project; and create a board of construction industry professionals to oversee project plans and expenditures.
Recommendation 2: – [Recommendation pending]
Recommendation 3 – That the Nevada State Legislature authorize the increase of the sales tax rate in Clark County by 0.1 percent, with the first portion of incremental revenue distributed to the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department and dedicated to increasing police resources within the resort corridor in proportion to the share of countywide sales tax revenue generated within the resort corridor. The remaining incremental revenue shall be distributed to local police agencies based on population.
Recommendation 4 – That the2025 sunset provision of the Clark County Sales and Use Tax of 2005 be removed, effectively making permanent the incremental sales taxrevenue police departments use to retain and equip additional uniformed officers throughout Southern Nevada.
Recommendation 5 – That the Nevada State Legislature authorize an interim study of available and alternative aviation fuel resources to support the current and future needs of the Southern Nevada aviation industry. The recommendation would be for the study to be approved dur ing the 2017 session DRAFT 3of the Nevada State Legislature, conducted between the 2017 and 2019 session, with a report delivered to the Governor and Legislature in advance of the 2019 session.

Stay tuned.

SNTIC Final Draft Recommendations:

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