Glen Rice, Chamillionaire At TechCrunch Disrupt, Scarlett Johansson Nude

The top pop news today is about Glen Rice (with Sarah Palin), Chamillionaire At TechCrunch Disrupt, and Scarlett Johansson.

The Internet, and especially Twitter, is buzzing with the news that former Miami Heat NBA Star Glen Rice had a one-night-stand with now-former Alaska Governor and Fox News Contributor Sarah Palin in 1987, when she was a sports reporter for a local Alaska news channel KTUU in Alaska and Rice a University of Michigan college basketball player, and in town to play in The Great Alaska Shootout.

All of this comes from a book called “The Rogue: Searching for the Real Sarah Palin” by Joe McGinniss. Now, the buzz is because Palin hooked up with a black man, and had a “thing” for brothers. That really is great news because this brother was under the impression Palin was racist – that could still be. But at least she didn’t object to hooking up with a brother before she got married. Props for Sarah.

Even bigger props if she admits to it with pride. Won’t make her Presidential material, but it will make her massively cool in my book.

Another massively cool person is rapper Chamillionaire, who took in TechCrunch Disrupt San Francisco. The Houston-based Platinum album-seller is always on the lookout for the latest startup developments, but is rightly annoyed that some ask why he comes to tech events, or why he’s even there.

That’s something we talked about for the second time; yesterday Chamillionaire seemed even more vexed about it than before, observing that “they” were even asking why Two-And-A-Half-Men Star and Twitter-expert Ashton Kutcher was at TechCrunch Disrupt. “They don’t understand that people with influence should be here,” he said.

Moreover, rappers and musicians and anyone involved in pop culture should be at TechCrunch Disrupt. Tech is pop culture and has fueled much of the growth of what is now called “geek” culture – for someone to even negatively question why Chamillionaire or Ashton attend TechCrunch Disrupt, is to show they just don’t get the way our culture has been impacted by tech.

And on that note, what does Chamillionaire think about the Google Nexus phone that was given to him at TechCrunch Disrupt Mobile? The backstory is that at TechCrunch Disrupt Mobile about two months ago, Chamillionaire got up and blasted Android phones, saying they “suck” and were not as good as the IPhone. After the event, a Google rep walked over and gave him a Google Nexus phone.

How does he like it? “The Nexus is actually a very good phone. I’m using it. I don’t think it’s better than the iPhone. So now, I carry three phones now. They also sent me a tablet too: a Samsung Tablet. It’s very cool, too.”

Will we see a Chamillionaire conference in the future? The entertainer doesn’t think so, but he’s positioning himself to serve as adviser and investor in startups he thinks will make a difference in some way.

Making a difference is the nude phone of Scarlett Johansson that was posted this morning and that the Iron Man 2 star says were the result of her Twiter account being hacked into.

I believe her because someone used a Twitter-client I never heard of before to hack into my account and post two tweets that were harmless, but showed that they could have done something worse. But I immediately changed my password when that happened, and that was the end of that. But I have to investigate how they were able to even do that, to start with.

Well, Scarlett Johansson is really out there now, in more ways than one. But what also gets me now that I think about it as I blog, is that former Congressman Anthony Weiner made the same claims about his photos before it was revealed that he was the person who sent them.

From that view, it sure looks like Scarlett Johansson took the photo herself. So, this story is becoming all the more interesting.

Stay tuned.

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