World Trade Center Memorial Rests Where Twin Towers Stood

On today, the enduring site on this 9-11 Anniversary where September 11th memories are shared all over the World, and NFL Football has taken an Internet back seat to 9-11, is the World Trade Center Memorial.

The World Trade Center Memorial was built out of the remaining two holes that were the foundations for the Twin Towers of The World Trade Center. The buildings stood as simple, square, powerful symbols of New York City. But today, the World Trade Center Memorial is there because there are an estimated 1,100 people who are buried under the ground or who’s remains were so awful they could not be successfully reassembled to give a proper burial.

The World Trade Center Memorial that exists today is the result of a competition sponsored by the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation (LMDC). The note on the website calling for the design contest reads “Reflecting Absence.” It’s a theme appropriately reflected in winning architect Michael Arad’s concept.

Built at a cost of $700 million in public funds and private donations, Michael Arad formed a plan both hailed and helled. While you can’t please everyone, this blogger thinks it was a stroke of genius. Here’s Arad talking about his design:

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