Jacksonville Jaguars Release QB David Garrard, Who Shows Class On Twitter

Though he had to see it coming, first with the selection of Missouri Quarterback Blaine Gabbert with the 10th pick in the 2011 NFL Draft, then with the Jacksonville Jaguars’ revenue challenges (about 7,000 tickets short of an NFL Opening Day blackout), their starting QB, David Garrard was released. The move is said to clear about $8 million for the organization.

How did Garrard handle the news? With class. This is his latest, as of this writing, Twitter tweet using his iPhone:

@davidgarrard9 David Garrard
Thank you jaguar fans for an awesome ride! You are the best fans ever. You’ll always have a special place in my heart and my family’s heart!
1 hour ago via Twitter for iPhone

Now, Luke McKown gets the start. and not Blaine Gabbert.

Ever active on Twitter, I had to see what Blaine Gabbert had to tweet.

Nothing about the news, which is good for him. Especially since he was at the same Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce event where David was introduced at the Jacksonville Jaguars’s starting QB, and just about two hours before the news of his release was sent out.

Stay tuned.

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