2016 NFL Preseason Games Have More Exotic Schemes Than Ever – Ask Jared Goff

2016 NFL Preseason Games Have More Exotic Schemes Than Ever – Ask Jared Goff

2016 NFL Preseason Games Have More Exotic Schemes Than Ever, Here’s Why

It used to be that NFL Preason Games featured plain vanilla offenses and equally simple defensive schemes. But one look at the first week of the 2016 NFL Preason reveals that is a thing of the past. Changes in the NFL Collective Bargaining Agreement that cut back per-player practice time, coupled with more exotic schemes and approaches than ever before have conspired to have plays we would see in the regular season used in preseason games.

Take the Double-A-Gap Zone Blitz that the Dallas Cowboys threw at The Los Angeles Rams and Jared Goff. It had the linebacker and safety nose up on the offensive center – the linebacker faked a blitz and the safety actually did. On top of that, the weakside safety rushed too! Meanwhile the defensive end on the strong side didn’t rush, but did drop back into coverage. The result of all of this, was a rushed Goff, a tipped pass and an interception – his first NFL throw.

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