Dancing With The Stars 2011 Cast Panned On DWTS Facebook Page

Now that the Dancing With The Stars 2011 cast has been set, and people from all corners are making their predictions on who will win, also coming in are view of the cast selection itself. To quote one of the comments on the Dancing With The Stars 2011 Facebook page : “horrible.”

Before this blogger considered the issue of public opinion about the DWTS cast, Mom, who I’ve visiting, offered a rapid-fire set of views, mostly about Nancy Grace. Mom just plain doesn’t like the job Grace does on HLN, and hasn’t for years, going all the way back to the O.J. Simpson Trial in 1994.

That’s a long time.

She also said the overall cast didn’t have a lot of people she ‘knew.’

Well, to my surprise, the Dancing With The Stars 2011 very public (you can see it via a link from the DWTS website) Facebook page all but mirrored her views. While the commenter didn’t offer specific reasons for their dislike of Nancy Grace, the words were right there in black and white, as were candid evaluations of the cast. (As of this writing; it may change.)

Here’s a sample:

Leslie Hill New cast…yuck!
2 hours ago · 7 people

Pat Triplett Horrible! DWTS better start getting a better cast!
2 hours ago · 3 people

Clare Parker-Vacio whoever does the casting for this show should be FIRED!
2 hours ago · 4 people

Laquita Taylor That’s not a good cast , could have done better , not cool:(
2 hours ago · 2 people

esse Mrowczynski Wow! I think that Chaz Bono has every right to be on the show. I cant believe that David Arquette is on this season. I might watch just to see how far David gets.
2 hours ago · 1 person

And that’s just a sample of 3,461 comments, but the list above were the first five that came up when I clicked on the link to the page. Here’s more from a random walk:

Betty Murray Springer Seriously?? Well, I guess I’m going to be looking for something else to watch this season…. because it sure won’t be DWTS with this sad excuse for a line-up. The pros must be about to gag right now.
12 hours ago · 3 people

Amanda Henry Ive only heard of three. Have seen two on tv.
12 hours ago · 1 person

Gail L Boudreau They need to change the name of the show to “Dancing With The Reality Stars.” There is not one actual STAR in the group.
3 hours ago · 1 person

Chaz Bono and Nancy Grace Most Talked About

Of the cast, Chaz Bono, who changed from woman to man, and the previously mentioned Nancy Grace, are the ones who are the most commented about by far – largely negatively. As you might expect, Bono for his sex change, and Nancy Grace for just being, well, Nancy Grace.

Richard J. D’Antuono Is there something wrong with Chaz dancing Sybille? How sad is it that a lot of you are very judgemental, This why our country is so screwed up..I think the cast shows a wide variety of different people. I believe it is a fantastic cast..
2 hours ago · 1 person

Cheryl A. Fenn Ooops! Nancy Grace. But the fact that you have Chaz Bono on there will make me not tune in at all, unless he is kicked off early in the season. Just my personal opinion.
2 hours ago

Donna Williams-Dean Chaz Bono and Nancy Grace…give me a break. What lame stars or want to be stars they picked this season. Don’t know if I’ll be watching this season. YUCK!!!
2 hours ago

Well, my view is the cast was selected to get tongues wagging, and that will translate into views and ratings. I’m not going to predict a record at all – not. But I do think the ratings will be healthy.

Stay tuned.

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