Hope Solo Dancing With The Stars 2011 Shout Out

Here’s to USA Women’s Soccer star, now mega-star Hope Solo, with this Dancing With The Stars 2011 Shout Out!
Two years ago, or so really, few knew who Hope Solo was on the World stage (perspective here).

And now, after a Women’s World Cup Final that was epic and set, for that time, a Twitter tweet per second record (just broke by Beyonce’s Baby Bump Moment at the VMAs), and Solo and the Women’s team’s class in how they handled losing to a Japan team that had a date with destiny, “Hope Solo” is a household name.

And the name of a very hot chic.

And now, with her selection to be in the Dancing With The Stars 2011 Season 13 show, Hope Solo is a true, total, “very hot chic” celebrity athlete.

So, as Hope enters the Dancing With The Stars 2011 Season 13 Contest, here’s a request that she just enjoy it, let it all hang out, show that great smile, flash those killer legs, and play to win! Hope should remember that she’s representing that small, but growing, church of female athletes who perform well on the field, and carry the attention of the World with ease and grace.

We’ll be rooting for ya.

Uh. Me and Lance Stewart at The Balboa Cafe. When you’re in San Francisco, pay a visit to The Balboa Cafe, and ask for Lance when you do.

Stay tuned.

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