Steve Jobs Resigns From Apple: Allen Paltrow’s Story Of Meeting Jobs

As the news of Apple CEO Steve Jobs decision to step down from the post of leader of the iconic company he created spreads, some interesting perspectives on Jobs come out. Perhaps few – well, I haven’t seen one yet – are as interesting as what happened to then “10 or 12” year old Allen Paltrow.

On his blog, Mr. Paltrow (related to Gwyneth Paltrow?) recounts the story of how he was such a huge Apple fanboy that he shaved the Apple Logo into his hair style with every Mac OS launch.

Paltrow explains:

“My neighbor Brooke mentioned that Steve Jobs, busy as he is, always reads email sent to his public address. I think I was around 10 or 12, and I sent a very enthusiastic and grammatically incorrect message including a picture of my shaved head.

Apparently he forwarded it to the head of Public Relations, Katie, and I got invited to the opening of the 5th Avenue Cube. I can never thank them enough. This was probably the high point of my childhood.”

Paltrow’s blog is worth seeing just for the images taken as the opening of the Apple Store in New York City. It’s a cool reminder of just how Steve Jobs and Apple have impacted American Culture.

Jobs has established tech’s answer to The Disney Company. A lasting, enduring force that offers us a way to live our lives better than we do.

Visit Allen Paltrow’s Tumblr blog on Steve Jobs, here.

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