Libya Rebels Attack Gaddafi Compound, CNN’s Sara Sidner Reports Fallback

Tuesday, August 23, 2011 will go down as a red-letter day in history, because on this day rebels took over Libya’s capital of Tripoli and stormed the Gaddafi Compound.

Along with them was CNN reporter, former San Francisco Bay Area KTVU Weekend Anchor, and friend (that’s my photo when we were clowning around a while back), Sara Sidner, who’s provided excellent ground reporting, and gained 3,000 Twitter followers in one day.

While dictatorial leader Moammar Gadhafi’s in hiding, his son, Seif al-Islam, has been seen. The Huffington Post reports that “The surprise appearance of Seif al-Islam energized regime loyalists and underlined the potential for Gadhafi, whose whereabouts remain unknown, to strike back even as his grip on power seemed to be slipping fast.”

And as if to underscore that point, Sidner reports on Twitter:

sarasidner CNN Sara Sidner
We have had to run from Gadhafi Compound. Gun fire coming towards us from outside compound

That’s a shocking Twitter tweet, and we hope that she gets out of there without harm.

A CNN update on John King USA has it that many Gaddafi fighters are being disarmed and disabled, as of this writing.

Stay tuned and follow Sara at @sarasidnercnn

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