PGA Championship Golf – Tiger Woods and Steve Williams Is The Draw

PGA Championship Golf – Tiger Woods and Steve Williams Is The Draw – The PGA Championship will start tomorrow, Thursday, August 11th, at the Atlanta Athletic Club.

You’d think the PGA Championship buzz is about the current winners, but no – it’s about Tiger Woods, still The World’s Greatest Golfer, and his now ex-caddie, Steve Williams.

The two have been a couple, if you will, for about 14 years or so, but for some reason best known to the two of them, Tiger Woods called it quits.

Rather than stay silent, Williams went to Adam Scott, and helped him win the World Golf Championship last weekend.

Then Williams let his emotions show saying the victory was “the best win I’ve ever had,” when TV cameras were in his face. That did it. Woods called Williams, but what was said, we don’t know. Let’s just say it’s fair to say that Tiger wasn’t happy.

I think the Tiger Woods we saw is gone – there was something to all that banging girls and partying that got him the wins. He changed himself, Woods did – maybe too much.

Well, time will tell.

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