Gov. Walker Being Protested at Wisconsin State Fair 2011

On Wednesday, the State of Wisconsin will take up a recall election that will test the staying power of the GOP Tea Party. Six Republican legislators have been successfully placed in position for this historic recall election. To show you just how angry Wisconsin voters are, take a look at the video above.

It was made last Thursday at the Wisconsin State Fair, and happened as Governor Walker was trying to speak. But the crowd, many wearing “Wisconsin” red t-shirts, were shouting him down. It sounds like they’re yelling “snake,” “snake,” “snake,” and from the looks of Governor Scott Walker’s actions of late, even if I got it wrong, it would not have been far from right.

The recall campaign will impact both the Wisconsin House and Senate, and if successful, pull in Sandra Pasch, Shelly Moore, Fred Clark, Jessica King, and Jennifer Shilling into the Senate and ultimately Governor Scott Walker himself.

If the Wisconsin recall is successful, Governor Walker, who’s anti-union efforts have been arguably criminal, should get ready to pack his bags, because the effort to bounce him out of there would have taken on a great head of steam.

Stay tuned.

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