Captain America Drink At Searsucker Restaurant, San Diego – Comic Con 2011

Captain America has a new drink made at Searsucker Restaurant, San Diego, and inspired by Comic Con 2011, and called “Captain America.” (And in case you’re wondering, this blogger made over 193 Touts, and has about 150 video files from the Comic Con trip, so more content is coming.) It was introduced to us by the bartenders representing Snake Oil Cocktail at the one-year-old eatery created by Top Chef Finalist Brian Malarkey, located at 611 Fifth Avenue in San Diego’s Gaslamp District.

The Captain America Drink, in honor not just of Comic Con, but of the now-box-office hit movie Captain America, and one of three drinks made: “The Apes,” “The Humans,” and the star drink, “Captain America.”

Ok, the drinks “The Apes” and “The Humans” were made to celebrate the movie The Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes, set to be released August 5th, but not wanting anyone to make a monkey out of me, and marking Captain America’s early Twitter Trend success, I opted for the Captain America.

Consisting of “Kanon organic vodka, house made grenadine and quality blue curacao,” it was the perfect way to start the Comic Con Saturday – eh, with a good breakfast.

A great breakfast provided for the CNN iReporter at Comic Con by Searsucker and Mr. Malarkey!

If you’ve not seen Searsucker, or for that matter visited San Diego, my video below is not just an interview with Brian, but a quick tour of the Gaslamp destination hang.

For the ingredients for all of the cocktails, visit the website here, then try and make the concoctions yourself!

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