Muhammad Ali RIP – He Was An American Hero, Not A Brash Black Man To Be Feared

Muhammad Ali RIP – He Was An American Hero, Not A Brash Black Man To Be Feared – Video

Muhammad Ali RIP – He Was An American Hero, Not A Brash Black Man To Be Feared

What bothers me about the passing of Muhammad Ali, is that he’s described as “confident” and this coded language of fear of the strong, straight, alpha black male is going to contaminate television media.

They don’t get it.

For me, now 53, and Muhammad Ali is the reason my media brand is called “Zennie62” – the 60s were an incredible decade of change that’s not fully understood today.

Muhammad Ali spoke up for himself as a black man when blacks were being lynched, jailed, shot, and segregated on a daily basis. For a young black kid, that I was, Muhammad Ali was just doing what he thought was right. He was standing up for his civil rights.

There are black men today who fear to do what Ali did in the 1960s: stand up for themselves in the face of the violation of their civil rights. That should not be, but it is. Ali should be an example to them that you should always find your inner strength.

What Muhammad Ali did, and has done, should never been forgotten or diminished. If you want to celebrate Ali, don’t call him brash – call him what he was and is: an American Hero.

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