Comic Con SDCC 2011 Brings Captain America To San Diego

Captain America, also known as Steve Rogers, and now knowns as Chris Evans, is set to touchdown in San Diego for a Thursday morning screening premier at Horton Plaza. And just as Comic Con 2011 gets underway.

Staring in the movie he first turned down, Evans, who also played “The Human Torch / Johnny Storm” in another Marvel Entertainment comic-turned-movie The Fantastic Four, will be in appearance at Thursday’s event and to introduce the film.

A number of online outlets are giving away 30 tickets to the screening of Captain America, or more appropriately, have links to a site that’s handling the requests. Here’s the FirstShowing website: Captain America tickets.

Hall H, No, But..

Overall, Marvel Entertainment’s not putting its effort into a giant Hall H presentation, choosing, instead, to use the S.H.I.E.L.D effort to essentially “Brand” Comic Con, much as NBC Universal did for it’s TV show “The Event.”

Reportedly, Evans will join Chris Hemsworth (Thor), Robert Downey, Jr., (Iron Man), Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow), Jeremy Renner (Hawkeye), and Mark Ruffalo (Bruce Banner / The Hulk) at the Marvel Booth at Comic Con, for special appearances.

Stay tuned!

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