Dancing With The Stars: David Arquette Dissed Hope Solo On Letterman

After blogging about Ricki Lake, this blogger just happened to run across a video featuring actor and now Dancing With The Stars competitor David Arquette when he appeared on David Letterman in August to talk about his appearance on the show. The clip has a segment where David makes a comment about Hope that sounds like a catty dis.

Check it out at the 10:06 mark.

First, when Letterman asks Arquette about who’s appearing on the show, the Scream series star himself mentioned Ricki Lake, then Rob Kardashian (even taking time to mention his butt), then Letterman went down the list, mentioning Chaz Bono, and his transgender status.

But then Letterman got to Hope Solo and Arquette’s attitude changed, as if he was trying to find the right words to say, and ended up launching some that were coded. When Letterman says her name, Arquette nods his head as if to say “Oh, yeah. I’ve got issues with her.” But what he says is “Hope Solo. She’s definitely one to watch out for…I’m SORRY”…and laughs a bit before Letterman cuts him off.

Then Arquette rights himself and says “She’s feisty and she’s statuesque. She’s beautiful, and she’s tough, and ..I walked up to her and I said ‘Hey. You’re the hockey goalie, aren’t you. And she said ‘Awww! It’s soccer and I’m a goal keeper.””

Then Arguette says “Ohh. Sorry.”

That wasn’t funny. That was a double-diss and Arguette, in my opinion, was being an ass to Solo.

How would he like it if someone walked up to him and sad “Hey, aren’t you that porn movie star from the 80s?” If Arguette’s as happy-go-lucky as he appeared to be on Letterman, he might laugh it off. But it would certainly hurt David to know that his work was not being acknowledged by the public.

Plus, David used words that were so coded with the “I fear strong women” meme, it was criminal. The words he used were tough, feisty and statuesque, then followed all that with his blast making her sound cold, when the man had just insulted her.

There’s yet another example of Hollywood dissing Hope Solo on Dancing With The Stars.

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