Chamillionaire And “Cello” On Music and Tech At TechCrunch Mobile 2011

I had the pleasure of meeting rapper Chamillionaire And “Cello” (that’s what he allowed me to call him on video, although I may be busted for it later), at Friday’s TechCrunch Mobile event, just before the rockin August Capital Party that night.

We talked about what they’re interested in learning when they, as musicians and rappers, come to tech events. (Frankly, I’m surprised more rappers and musicians in general aren’t at tech events, myself. Perhaps Chamillionaire amd MC Hammer can start a trend.)

I must set the scene for all: this blogger went out of the AOL Auditorium for coffee, water, and food, and got kidnapped by Shirley Lin, the Founder and CEO of Yoxi 123, and really an energetic director of people. Once she discovered I was a video-blogger, she dragged me around what turned out to be AOL West Headquarter’s startup colony – as you can see in this video:

So that (awesome) experience took me away from the rest of the TechCrunch Mobile talk, including Chamillionaire’s anti-Android blast. I walked in just as it was ending, and was briefed on what happened before I talked with Chamillionaire And “Cello.”

OK, so Chamillionaire prefers the iPhone over Android. Having owned a G1 and a Samsung Galaxy Variant, both Android phones, and now (and again) an Apple iPhone, I much prefer the iPhone.

The reason is that the Android phones have what seem to be memory storage and function problems. The more apps I add, the more I can’t access voicemail, or with the G1, make a simple phone call. I had to replace the G1, and did so with the Samsung Galaxy Variant.

The Samsung Galaxy Variant was such that I couldn’t even turn it on at points, and then I’d have problems turning it off after that. Wild!

If that wasn’t the problem, it was the many “butt” calls it made, even when I wasn’t on my butt, or just failing to properly hang up a phone call after I’d pressed the controls to do so. A few times, I noticed the phone just spontaneously dialing a number at what seemed to be a random moment (there must be some reason for it).

Had I been in the room, I’d have added to what Chamillionaire said, but the rapper blasting that Android “sucks” was good enough for me.

It does.

And Google giving Chamillionaire a Nexus phone’s not going to change his perception once he uses it – the problems I’ve blogged about will rear their heads. The iPhone’s a seemless, beautifully operating machine. It works so well you don’t think about the consequences of adding a few apps.

Chamillionaire And “Cello” On Music And Tech

That issue aside, Cello explained that “I always enjoy the TechCrunch events. Every year, I go to CrunchUp and Disrupt,” to see what’s “next” or as TechCrunch puts it, what’s in the “now.” Cello’s here to learn more about mobile apps for music and specifically soundtracking – his concern as a musician. But he’s also a “huge” fan of Fourquare.

He and Chamillionaire spend so much time at tech events that Chamillionaire says it’s his fault they’ve not returned to the studio to finish work on their next album, Chamillionaire’s first after leaving Universal.

Tech Terrible For Music Business

Cello says that tech has been “terrible” for his business as a music writer, but good for “trying to come up with new ideas outside of music.”

Chamillionaire Loves TechCrunch

Chamillionaire loves “anything TechCrunch” and comes to listen, saying “I just like to hear everybody’s ideas about where mobile’s going. Nobody really has the answers, you know. Everybody can sit and talk all day about where they think mobile’s going. It’s (mobile’s use) is increasing at a rate more rapid than any of us can even know. But just to hear everybody’s ideas back and forth… And I don’t mean to get at the Android guy, but I’m a mobile user too. And from a mobile user standpoint, sometimes we see things different.”

Now, Chamillionaire’s headed back to the studio.

Stay tuned.

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