Does AARP Membership Offer Mean This Is The End?

aarp logoThe American Association Of Retired Persons or AARP, sent this blogger a letter containing a fancy membership offer. That’s not cool.

I thought AARP was for people who were over 65, not 50. At 50, I’m not done living. AARP is trying to tell me to get out. Quit. Give up the ship.


I resent that.

The idea of retirement is from the mid-20th Century assembly line, 9 to 5, quit and sleep in your rocking chair days.

I’m in the 21st Century and the idea of sleeping in a rocking chair is about 32 years off for me. Well, never.

Screw that.

What am I supposed to retire from? Blogging? Vlogging?


I’m not done, and my best days are coming!

Stay tuned.

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