Josie Goldberg Builds “Spoiled & Entitled” Brand

Josie Goldberg, the great woman who I met at the 2011 Night Of 100 Stars Oscars Party, and has starred on Millionaire Matchmaker and Dr. Phil, is building her brand “Spoiled & Entitled”. But for those of you who didn’t see our amazing and funny first conversation, here it is:

mq243o-b781143255z.120130716182015000gd61epq7m.2 Since then, Ms. Goldberg has entered horse racing, and debut at Santa Anita Racetrack in 2012. Josie started hanging out at Santa Anita and met wealthy Italian business man Phil Daniels at the the turf club. She’s since then gone into business incoprating 5 thoroughbred horses and has become a known figure in the racing community.

Josie’s “Spoiled And Entiteld” brand made it’s grand debut in the form of racing silks worn by jockey Kayla Stra in the eighth race on Thursday March 8, 2012 with a post time of 4:30pm on the #11 position horse named “Salt Of The Earth”.

The black and yellow silks were selected by Goldberg and don her playmate image on the back. When asked about how she came up with her selection she states “I chose black and yellow because my last name is Goldberg and everything I touch turns to gold, also the Jewish star is gold.”

Her horse, “Spoiled & Entitled,” made its debut February 24th of last year (2013), and has done very well. “This horse,” she said,” is a very fiesty woman.” She says, and feels that all of the love and affection she gives her will be returned on the tract.

She’s right.

Now, Josie has the “Spoiled & Entitled” brand for blouses, earings, and clothing – and a successful horse.

Since then, Josie has also started working on her own reality TV show.

Stay tuned.

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