Patrice O’Neal Dies Of Stroke; The View Is Right

As Nikky Raney explained here at Zennie62, Comedian Patrice O’Neal passed away at the young age of 41 of complications due to diabetes and stroke. He was just 41 years old.

Patrice Oneal

On ABC’s The Viewhosts Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar,Elisabeth Hasselbeck, and Sherri Shepherd talked about Patrice O’Neal’s passing, and Ms. Shepherd. Made the statement of the day – at least on the topic of Patrice O’Neal. “We need to stop talking about ‘The Sugar’,” she said, and from this point, this blogger is paraphrasing, (to the Black Community) “take better care of ourselves.”

She’s right.

It’s vital to eat sugary foods in moderation, and make sure you get proper exercise every single day, even if it’s just for 15 minutes. Whatever you can do to keep your weight down is important to staying alive.

Stay tuned.

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