Jean Quan Defends Coliseum City At Oakland Sports Forum

Jean Quan Defends Coliseum City At Oakland Sports Forum
Jean Quan Defends Coliseum City At Oakland Sports Forum

At the Oakland Sports Forum, the Coliseum City project , which will include stadiums for Oakland A’s, Oakland Raiders, and The Golden State Warriors was the focus of the discussion around third question:

3. The Oakland Raiders and the Oakland A’s need new stadiums. As I speak, Coliseum City is in the early planning stages, but could progress better – financing has not been completely secured. Is Coliseum City the right approach, and if it’s not, then what would you push for as Mayor?

Coliseum City came under attack in the subsequent talk after the statements, and Mayor Quan had enough, and so got up and let rip a statement about how she backed the program and people “made fun of me” and said “I didn’t know sports.” It was Quan showing she had had enough of being ‘picked on’ and came out fighting. But in the video that will follow, Joe Tuman will have his say, and Jason Anderson made must-hear statements, which is coming soon.

Stay tuned.

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