Occupy Wall Street Brings Hot Chicks


UPDATE: Occupy Atlanta Sheds Light On The Movement

The Occupy Wall Street Movement has something the Tea Party could never claim to have: hot chicks at its protests quoting Goethe.  This woman, photographed by David Shankbone during the protest at Wall Street, looks like a cross between Laura Croft and Norma Jean.  It’s possible to see a whole line of fashion spring forward just from this photo – the latest in protest wear.

Additionally she, whoever she is, totally alters the image of the female protestor: gone is the dirty-haired earth girl with hairy arm pits; fashion models take to the streets.

This photo should give Occupy Wall Street detractors pause.  Women like her bring out two things: men and the media.

None of this masks the fact that Occupy Wall St doesn’t have a plan, but now that the labor movement’s reportedly getting involved, all that may change.  Stay tuned.

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