Jersey Shore: More Drama

Jersey Shore last night was pretty intense, and it was followed by an after show to discuss with the cast all that happened.

Some specifics that should be talked about:

1) Jionni and Snooki.

Jionni was a jerk and ran away and he even got his flight changed so he stayed in Italy less than 24 hours and he was on his way to take a train to Rome before meeting with Snooki to say good-bye. Snooki at first was saying she didn’t want to see him, but JWOWW told her to stop “being Sammi” and to realize that she did want to see him. The two met up and hugged and kissed and all that and he told her to be good.

Then later on in the episode you see Snooki on the phone with him as he is back in America and he is saying that she deserved to have him leave because of how she was acting and how disrespectful she was and basically she had been crying the whole time he was gone so Snooki told Jionni that she needed to get off the phone with him and not talk to him for a few days because he was speaking to her so negative that it was making her feel bad about herself.

3) Karma & Clubs

Snooki wanted to go to Jersey’s club Karma so they recreated Karma in their house – which was kind of pathetic and sad. Since they could have just gone out to a club. Pauly D did his DJ stuff and all the girls got dressed up and the guys too – and Mike just sat in the chair and looked like a creep. And Snooki was dancing.

Oh there was a night they went to the club and Snooki was dancing with this random guy and like choking him – she was being crazy.

4) Deena Pregnancy Scare

Deena had to take a pregnancy test because she missed her period and was thinking she was pregnant. Well – of course the test came back negative and thank goodness because all the drinking and smoking that girl had been doing.

There was also a prank on top of her bed with all the furniture and she got stuck.

She also cleaned the bathroom at work..kind of.

5) Snooki as a mess
SNOOKI WAS A MESS. Honestly, she like is way too in love obsessed with Jionni and when the drama went down at the end of the episode she finds herself hooking up with Vinny… Deena tries hooking up with Pauly D, but he tells her to go back to her own bed.

Snooki also in the beginning of the episode goes to a bar alone and dances and drinks and tries to talk to the people there so that they won’t think she’s weird.

Such an odd episode and the next one will be even better – can’t wait to see wine bottles flying across the room at Situation.

5) Situation and Snooki

Situation kept telling Snooki that he loved her and would treat her better than Jionni. It just made JWOWW sick, really. He kept saying that Snooki gave him head and it just was an inappropriate situation.

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