Talk Radio: Zennie Abraham on Tonya Hall Radio today at 11 AM EST

Tonya Hall Radio
Tonya Hall Show
Once again this blogger, Zennie Abraham, is back on the Tonya Hall Radio Show, where the conversation will be technology and how it has impacted the presentation of sports and politics. Or at least that’s the idea presented.

Since the host of the show, this blogger’s friend Tonya Hall, insists on carrying the label of being politically conservative (as opposed to just pragmatic), there’s a view from this space that the real desire is to have some kind of unproductive political debate, as opposed to a good conversation about tech.

The Republican National Convention’s last day is this evening, where Mitt Romney, the Presumptive Republican Presidential Nominee, is set to take the term “Presumptive” off of his title. The event will cap a week that’s not been one of the best in the history of Republican National Convention’s this blogger has watched, and that goes all the way back to 1972, when Richard Nixon held sway over the party.

The RNC 2012 has been marred by racist incident, after racist incident, including two GOP delegates who racially harassed a CNN black camerawoman on Wednesday, before being removed from the RNC Convention. (They still have not been indentified as of this writing.) Then, and while Mitt Romney’s wife Ann Romney gave a decent speech, she too marred it by saying “You people know how to party” while talking at the Latino Coalition Luncheon the next day.

So, hopefully the radio talk can focus on tech, and this blogger’s trip to cover the Democratic National Convention for the second time since 2008, and how he’s going to use tech to do it, and what’s changed since then – a trip sponsored by, which will play a large role in the New Media / Social Media style of coverage will use.

Please follow Zennie62 on Twitter, YouTube, and, and catch the Tonya Hall Radio Show at 11 AM EST, 8 AM PST

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