Stephen Curry: GS Warriors PG Gets NBA Lockout Workout; Roasts Intern

If you’re wondering what Golden State Warriors Point Guard Stephen Curry’s doing to stay in basketball shape during the NBA Lockout, take a look at the video below:

Curry’s at the offices in San Francisco, taking advantage of the lack of basketball skills of young, poor, defenseless tech interns like my friend Katie Fountain. As well as Katie’s guarding Curry, he effortlessly shoots the office equivalent of a “three” over her head.

Then, to add insult to injury, the much taller NBA star uses the video of the contest as his first one on The video-sharing platform that’s a cross between Twitter and Facebook.

Now, let’s see. Let’s think about this.

Curry is 6’3; Katie is 5’3 – maybe. Stephen is a celebrated Golden State Warriors star. Katie Fountain is a celebrated warrior intern for

That’s so wrong.

You’d think Curry would have another video showing Katie making a score, huh?

Where’s Shaq? Where’s Katie’s sister, Women’s Soccer Star Kaley Fountain? Heck, let me after em!

The NBA better hurry up and get this NBA Lockout over with, before Curry make a micro-career of dunking over tech interns in San Francisco and Oakland.

Stay tuned.

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