Rachel Uchitel, Tiger Woods Former Mistress, Five Months Pregnant!

Rachel Uchitel and Mark Hahn
Congratulations to Nightclub Exec Rachel Uchitel, who has quickly and successfully parlayed her controversial relationship with The World’s Greatest Golfer and the scandal that resulted from it and the other 15 or so extra-marital relationships Woods had, into a new career as a true celebrity.

Uchitel – who was the first woman to have been reported as dating Woods while he was married to Elin Nordegren and the first name to surface as connected with him almost the day after the 2009 Thanksgiving evening that Elin either used a golf club to save him from a car accident, or caused it by chasing him with it – has moved beyond her Woods days and time with the married actor David Boreanaz to become a sought after personality on shows like VH1’s Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew, meet and marry Matt Hahn, move to San Francisco (where this blogger’s in the Bay Area), and now she’s announced on Twitter that she’s five months pregnant.

Here’s the video about Uchitel’s role in the Woods scandal:

Judging by her Twitter tweets, most notably this one:

@RachelUchitel Rachel Uchitel
Thank you michele Zipp (@likekilled), whoever you are, for this very kind post, that I selfishly hope everyone reads. bit.ly/skEkmg

Rachel’s a bit sensitive to what has been said and written about her over the last two years. And while much of it has not been kind, this blogger has not, from day one of the scandal, made an unkind comment about Rachel Uchitel. Indeed, as the video I created shows, I was fascinated with the Vegas lifestyle she and Woods led and took great pains to show her for who she has been: a woman who helped run a chain of high-end nightclubs.

The fact is that now, when Rachel Uchitel’s name is mentioned, it causes blog posts to be written, and Internet searches to happen, leading to her name at the lofty position of number one in Google Trends searches, and to jump from 30 and 30 to 90 in terms of Google Search Intensity. That’s something that only true celebrities can cause to happen, so when Rachel asks America and the World to move beyond the scandal that gave her stardom, I have to ask if she really “gets” what’s happened to her?

I think Rachel Uchitel understands she’s a celebrity, but from an Internet standpoint, I’m pretty sure she’s not even close to understanding where she is on the scale of things. It’s impossible for her to be able to have America “move beyond” the Tiger Woods scandal, because that’s the very happening that gave life to her celebrity. That doesn’t mean Ms. Uchitel’s a bad person; it means she’s become a cult figure of a sort.

For the rest of her life she will be defined by her relationship with Tiger Woods of the past, and as long as she takes the road of celebrity, she will only feed the monster of stardom that was created from it. Indeed, if she quit seeking the spotlight, she would still be marked by the Woods scandal.

There’s no escape. Rachel will have to live with it, and when her baby becomes old enough, explain it. Because kids are most certainly going to tease the child about it. That’s a fact.

There’s also nothing wrong with Rachel Uchitel. Indeed, I give her, as I stated, massive credit for turning water into wine. But what she’s got to avoid doing is whining about the wine. Just keep drinking it for as long as possible – which looks like it’s going to be a pretty long time.

Stay tuned.

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