Hope Solo Husband Jerramy Stevens Arrested Again

Whole Hope Solo’s in Washington, set to play a game against Ireland, her husband of two week, Jerramy Stevens, is in jail in Florida on a probation violation stemming from his first arrest on the same day he and Solo later married.

This blogger thought Stevens would beat the probation violation because no charges were filed in the Washington case of alleged domestic violence. Hope says nothing happened, and points to the police report. But that report is said to have Stevens comments to police that he and Solo argued over where they would live, Florida or Washington state – and blood was found on both of them.

Whatever happened, Florida law enforcement officials representing the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office in Tampa, Florida took him into custody. As of 3:30 PM EST, Stevens was still in jail.

Stevens legal complication stems from what’s reported to be his 2010 arrest for possession of marijuana, but there was also a 2011 arrest for felony battery. Thus, his record for the past two years looks like this:

On October 23, 2010, Stevens was arrested and charged with possession of marijuana. Stevens had been pulled over for playing loud music, when the officer smelled marijuana, and discovered 38 grams of it in his car.

On March 3, 2011, Stevens was arrested and charged with felony battery for punching two bouncers in a Tampa, Florida bar. According to his attorney, who denied the charges, after Stevens was released from jail, he was treated for “multiple broken ribs and extensive bruising to his body and face.”

On November 12, 2012, Stevens was arrested on investigation of assault following an altercation that left his fiancée, soccer star Hope Solo, injured.

On November 28, 2012, Stevens was arrested in Florida for investigation of violating his probation.

So there’s more to this than we know, as of now.

Stay tuned.

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