Lindsay Vonn Divorce: Ski Forum Has Clues

Lindsey Vonn As of now the divorce proceedings between Lindsey Vonn and her husband Thomas Vonn progress toward an unfortunate end, blogs and forums speculate on what may have happened that caused Mr. Vonn to file divorce papers just over a week ago and before Lindsey revealed that this was going on, last Sunday.

Well, OK, forums, not so much blogs outside of this one. Many blogs and news websites have got the news all wrong. They report that it’s Lindsey who’s seeking the split, when it’s her husband. Why this error exists at all is simple: Lindsey Vonn’s a big star, and so those who don’t dig are likely to assume she took the action, and just run with it. Happens a lot.

But the truth is it was Thomas Vonn who’s seeking a split from his leggy lady. Why? This blogger speculates that clues to the problems in her marriage were in her accepting a homecoming dance date from 16-year-old Parker MacDonald in Vail, Colorado.

Whenever you read about such news, the best thing to do is the “Mom” test, and ask your Mom what she thinks if a 27-year-old woman accepts a date to go to a homecoming dance with a 16-year-old boy. I asked my Mom, leaving names out of it, and she said that was “ridiculous.” When I said that it was Lindsey Vonn, she said “I don’t care. It’s still something a woman should not do.”

My guess is somewhere in their lurked the view of Thomas Vonn. It’s like Lindsey was trying to, as she said, relive her high school years because she never went to the prom. But I didn’t go to my prom either and I don’t feel like a missed a thing.

AlpineZone Forums, a hub for sky buffs, has a take that seems to fit, too:

Originally Posted by Smellytele View Post
He is the one who filed. Was she the unfaithful one? Not that is the only reason people get divorced but…

drjeff: Who knows. But one possible strike aganst that theory, is that her soon to be ex husband was a former ski racer and World Cup Level coach himself and very often was traveling with her on the WC circuit. So it’s not like it was she was in Europe from say January 1st to late March and he was back stateside (or hanging out just at LV’s European “base camp” in Austria.

One of the other possible scenario’s is that he is as I recall about 10yrs or so older than her, and since LV is and has been for many years essentially estranged from her father, that when she first started dating Thomas when she was about 20, that he was also filling somewhat of a father figure role as well as a husband for her, since growing up via the ski academy lifestyle and then being on the US Ski Team at an early age likely not just afforded LV many opportunities that most people don’t get, but also deprived her of many that most adolescents/20 somethings do get.

Perhaps, but it doesn’t explain why Thomas Vonn wanted the divorce. I go to the idea that she may have been doing a lot of palling around with other men without her ring on. The last blog post at Zennie62 revealed that.

Well, stay tuned for more.

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