Is Facebook Worth $100 Billion Before IPO? Yes

The hot tech news is that Facebook will hold and Initial Public Offering (IPO) in April of 2012, and that the giant social network started by Mark Zuckerberg is valued at $100 billion.

The question of the day is “Is Facebook actually worth $100 billion?”

The conversation on CNBC’s First Monday is that is is, and because of the sheer number of people on it, plus the number of people who think they need to be on it. Right now, Facebook has over 800 million active users, each of which has an average of 130 friends, and as a whole download apps 20 million times each day.

That’s more people / users than the entire population of the United States, and the population of Europe combined, and 75 percent of Facebook users are outside the USA. If each user spent just $2 each for one year that would be $1.6 billion in revenue; $20 per year is $16 billion – and that’s assuming one round of spending for one year, which we all know is less than actual practice.

And remember that in 2010 Facebook has “just” 400 million users, and one website projected that it would not reach $100 billion in valuation in 2015 – it’s far ahead of schedule in user size, which begs the question, where will Facebook be by 2015?

The answer is worth more than $100 billion.

Mark Zuckerberg was totally correct in refusing to sell Facebook for $15 Billion in 2007. That year, Robert Scoble kinda chastised Mark for holding on to his company and not selling out. Robert wrote:

On the other hand, Zuckerberg has turned down such advice to “sell out” before and so far he’s been right. Is he still right? I wouldn’t be making that bet.

Stay tuned

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