NJ Gov. Chris Christie Insults Obama After Begging For Help

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is evolving into a real piece of work. Elected in February 2009 on a “jobs” platform, the already plain-spoken former Federal District Attorney became an outspoken governor of The Garden State, and now has evolved into a trash-talking politician of the sort that makes your hair stand on end. Christie’s latest target? The same man he sought out for help in the wake of Hurricane Irene: President Barack Obama.

Christie had the nerve – the unmitigated gall – to call President Obama a bystander in the White House. A man who would “diminish the success of others” Christie said in blasting Obama for his plan to increase taxes on millionaires and up.

This corner is just plain sick and tired of hearing about Governor Chris Christie. Just three weeks ago, Gov Christie buddied up to Obama and walked with him looking at a New Jersey damaged by Hurricane Irene, and now he’s backstabbing the President. If Obama would “diminish the success of others,” the President would never have visited New Jersey and Christie, to essentially help them become successful again, in the wake of a natural disaster.

Was Governor Christie’s brain on when he opened his mouth?

Christie is the same gov who roundly insulted one of his own constituents just because she asked him a question about where his kids went to school, public or private. He took verbal shots at the cast of The Jersey Shore. But Governor Blowhard Christie has saved his greatest insults for teachers. And no, not just the New Jersey Teachers Union, but Teachers themselves. Blogger Jersey Jazzman has chronicled a list of them; here’s a sample:

April, 2010, CNBC:

“I love the public schools but the fact of the matter is there is excess and greed there,” said Christie, during an appearance on CNBC’s Squawk Box. [That’s in the “public schools,” not the union offices – JJ]

July, 2010, MSNBC:

The state teachers union said–they had a rally in Trenton against me. 35,000 people came from the teachers. You know what that rally was? The “me first” rally. “Pay me my raise first. Pay me my free health benefits first. Pay me my pension first. And everybody else in New Jersey, get to the back of the line.” Well, you know what? I’m not going to sit by and allow that to go unnoticed, so we’ll shine a bright light on it, and we’ll see how the people react. But I think we are seeing how the people of New Jersey are reacting, and that’s how you make it politically palatable in other states in the country. Just shine a bright light on greed and self-interest.

And with that, Gov. Christie would think to allow talk of him running for President? That’s takes the cake for nuttiness, and ads nuts to the cake. Governor Christie’s not ready to be President and has zero foreign policy experience and exposure – ask him to say the French Prime Minister’s name, or point to the Mid East then China, Japan, and Ghana on a map of The World. I’d like to see him do that – bet he’d fail to score 100 percent.

Obama wouldn’t.

Governor Christie needs to just shut-up and govern his New Jersey Garden State.

Stay tuned.

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