Yosemite Fire: Status Of The UC Berkeley Bear’s Lair / Pinecrest Chalet

The Yosemite Fire is spreading and not contained as of this writing. Here’s a Cal / UC Berkeley update

As I was on the Cal Alumni Board and Awards Committee (1998-2003), I just received a memo from CAA’s Executive Director Jefferson Coombs on the status of The Bear’s Lair and Pinecrest Chalet given their proximity to the giant Rim Fire.

Jeff writes:

The Rim Fire is 23% contained at the time of this email
The northeastern edge of the fire is currently 6 miles from the Lair
Cal Fire is aggressively building fire breaks to protect the 108 corridor where the Lair and Chalet reside
An advisory evacuation notice was posted on Monday for Pinecrest and towns along the 108 corridor, down to Soulsbyville (this is not a mandatory evacuation at this time)
All remaining Chalet guests and staff were instructed to depart two days ago
All Lair staff and campers departed last week
Women’s Wellness Weekends, Sports & Recreation Week and Oski Family Weekends have all been cancelled
The fate of Young Alumni Weekend and a Lair wedding are unclear at this time
We have posted several updates to the Lair and Cal communities on a variety of digital channels — please see links below

This has been a nerve-wracking situation to be sure. But rest assured we are doing everything in our power to communicate and stay on top of this situation. We are praying for westward winds and we are incredibly grateful to the heroic fire fighters from all across the Country battling this epic blaze.

Please note, CAA has been in touch with our insurance provider and submitted a non-operation claim for the end of season lost business. I hope with all my heart that is the only claim we need to enact. The CAA team has been doing a remarkable job and pulling together around this volatile situation. I am very proud of the staff and grateful for their tireless work during this challenging moment in the history of our Lair.

CAA HOMEPAGE: http://alumni.berkeley.edu
LAIR HOMEPAGE: http://alumni.berkeley.edu/travel/lair-golden-bear
CHALET HOMEPAGE: http://alumni.berkeley.edu/travel/pinecrest-chalet
BLOG: http://alumni.berkeley.edu/blog/director’s-chair

Stay tuned. GO BEARS!

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