Michael Jackson’s Birthday: Icon Turns 55

michaeljackson_4Michael Jackson was born 55 years ago today, and had he lived past the June 20th day he passed on in 2009, would still be making music and doing concerts.

Instead, the pop culture public watches as a wrongful death lawsuit trial is conducted.

It’s hard to escape the idea that AEG Live pushed Michael Jackson too hard in preparation for a 40-stop tout that, if done, would have pushed the reset button on a storied career that seemed to have stalled.

A nurse named Cherilyn Lee was called to the stand to testify on Wednesday, and reportedly broke down and said “I can’t do this anymore! I can’t do this anymore.” And that dramatic cry just may have altered the direction of the court case against AEG Live.

The bottom line problem is that a school of thought was invited some time ago that Michael was worth more dead than alive – a point of view I disagree with, given his natural creative bent and what he may have done with it had he lived.

Well, got to catch a flight.

More later.

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