Sean Medlock, Tucker Carlson emp, uses fake name to send racist tweet to Obama

Sean Medlock of The Daily CallerWant an example of the GOP conservative who’s feeding some of the most racist rhetoric coming out of the Republican Party?  It’s a guy named Sean Medlock, who uses the Twiter fake name of Jim Treacher to toss racist comments at people.

Even the President of The United States.

In the wake of the event at the Republican National Convention where two GOP delegates racially harassed a black CNN camerawoman, people like Sean Medlock have to be called out.

This is what he tweeted to President Obama:

Why are you doing this while black people are drowning? MT @barackobama Hey, everyone: I’ll be taking your questions online today.

— Jim Treacher (@jtLOL) August 29, 2012

Why is it racist?  Because if President Obama were white, Sean Medlock would have never even sent a tweet like that.  Moreover, if Mr. Medlock were paying any attention to the events in New Orleans, he’d know that the area that’s flooded is not a mostly black area – it’s white (Plaquemines Parish, LA is 69 percent white).

This shows the problem with people like Medlock.  They see color and at that not in a good way.  Then, when you point out to them that they’re being racist, they just say “No, you’re the racist,” as if to clear themselves of any wrong-doing.

In the past, when being conservative meant a restraint on spending, and not this desire to put someone down because of the color of their skin, or push a “Hey, you’re black” rhetoric at the POTUS, it was fun to talk about policy and the direction of America.

Those days are past. Sadly.

In point of fact, someone who does that send the message that they are not a good person at all, and should be the focus of a warning.  Sean Medlock is using the name Jim Treacher to send racist messages, all the while working for Tucker Carlson at The Daily Caller.


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