Was Arizona Gov Jan Brewer Drunk While Pointing Finger In Obama’s Face?

Does Jan Brewer Have Beer Muscles?
Two days ago, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer shocked the World by showing just how little class and dignity she has when she greeted U.S. President Barack Obama on the tarmac at Phoenix International Airport. Brewer just had to tell Obama she wasn’t sorry for the way she portrayed a conversation they had at The White House in her book. Brewer said that Obama was condescending toward her.

Now, frankly it’s not hard for anyone black and well-educated to read her remarks in total as being threatened by anyone black who’s smart. I have met people like Jan Brewer, and they’re so insecure that an encounter with an African American person who’s well spoken can easily be interpreted as the black person being condescending, when such is not the case at all.

Obama said he didn’t like the way he was painted, and when she started to respond with what looked like a hot blast of breath, he walked away.

Maybe, just maybe, Obama walked away to avoid Governor Brewer’s possibly scotch-covered breath. The Governor’s got a history of love for the drink and was involved in a 1988 crash where the officer conducted a field sobriety test, and was going to arrest her, but did not do so because an Arizona law grants legislators (she was one at the time) immunity from misdemeanors while the state government is in session. So, she got special treatment and the case was covered up until 2010.

During the near-arrest, Brewer told officers she had one glass of scotch, then later admitted it was two. On top of that, Brewer has been linked to claims that she abuses alcohol, so the question had to come up “Did Gov. Brewer have a pop or two to get up the beer muscles to confront President Obama is such a rude way?”

Let’s just say it makes sense that she would. With Brewer, Arizona remains resolute in the many ways it has insulted African Americans and people of color, from the challenge to the Martin Luther King Holiday, to racial profiling, and now this.

Nice going.

Stay tuned.

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