2012 Year When Black Men Hit Main Stream For Better And Worse

Herman Cain Gives Thumbs Up To Occupy Wall Street
This has to be noted.

Between Herman Cain, the black GOP business exec who ran for President, Alan West, another black GOP man who made it to Congress in 2010, only to lose in 2012, Kevin Clash, the voice of Elmo who turned out to be a closet gay man who had more than one male he wanted, further shaming his ex-wife and daughter, and Christopher Hudson, the pastor sitting next to Two And A Half Men Star Angus T. Jones in this video…

…who’s anti-Gay, anti-Obama, and all for getting attention at the expense of Angus T. Jones.

2012 has been a year for the emergence of black men who don’t fit normal stereotypes, and in some cases are just as screwed up as their white counterparts.

This has to be noted because if you’re black and over 30, you grew up with the constant message of the kind of man you were supposed to be: athletic, fatherly, smart, faithful, heterosexual, and left-wing. None of the men I’ve mentioned fit that template. And this comes right at the time when we have President Barack Obama, a black man who’s athletic, fatherly, smart, faithful, heterosexual, and left-wing, and just into his second term as POTUS.

What does all of this mean?

It means blacks are firmly into the mainstream of America, for better and for worse all at the same time. It also means larger problems for black women who may be just looking for a black man who’s athletic, fatherly, smart, faithful, heterosexual, and left-wing. It gives them more reasons to be with someone who’s all of those things, but white, Asian, Latino, or something else.

And note, I didn’t even mention the still-skewed prison rate for black men. Overall, a real mixed bag for us that should be talked about more and more.

Just saying.

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