Occupy LA Eviction Live Stream From Los Angeles

Will Occupy LA be evicted after 12 midnight PDT? As this is written, a set of USTREAM Live video feeds have

Occupy LA Eviction
been installed at Zennie62.com to present the Occupy LA eviction.

After 56 days, or almost two months, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa figured the political winds were in his favor and elected to give the campers a deadline of 12:01 AM Monday (3 AM on the East Coast) to get out of the area in front of LA City Hall.

The Mayor cites the usual public health and safety concerns for his decision, and according to The Huffington Post, says that “The movement is at a crossroads. It is time for Occupy LA to move from holding a particular patch of park land to spreading the message of economic justice and signing more people up for the push to restore the balance to American society.”

Kinda reads like a national effort to push the Occupy Movement to become the counter to the Tea Party.

Here’s another live video embed:

The latest news is that an African American man just got up to explain, using the mic check, that he didn’t recognize any of the faces he saw there this evening, and that on Thursday what he described as a near race riot almost started at the Occupy LA encampment. He compared the situation to something like a prison riot. As he talked, some woman waved her hand up and down in front of the lens as if to say “don’t listen to him.” Finally he stopped, saying that he loved everyone.

That’s one example of the tension that’s developed as the Occupy LA Movement moves closer to its anticipated eviction time.

Stay tuned.

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