Lindsey Vonn – Thomas Vonn Divorces After Her Teen Homecoming Date


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UPDATE: Vonn talks about the divorce – sort of.

Lindsay Vonn and 16-year-old
Olympic gold medalist Lindsey Vonn and her husband Thomas Vonn are getting a divorce after just four years of marriage.

The news that the 27-year old and her 36-year old husband are getting split up has the pop culture , sports, and skiing World talking. But embeded in the reason for Thomas Vonn filing for divorce just might be that well-publicized teen homecoming dance Vonn agreed to go to 20 days ago.

See, there’s this Vail Ski and Snowboard Academy student, a 16-year-old teenager by the name of Parker McDonald, who saw Vonn while she was having lunch with the students at the Academy and reportedly said “What are you doing tomorrow night, because there’s a dance. And I was wondering if you wanted to go with me.”

Good for him for asking.

So, according to, Vonn, who with Julia Mancuso formed a pretty hot and hotly competitive female skiing duo, said “Yes. I was like, ‘What exactly is this going to be, and what time? And I just had to pause for a minute. But Parker was such a gentleman and he asked me so politely that I just – I couldn’t resist his face.”

Think about that one. Lindsay Vonn couldn’t resist Parker McDonald’s face. Wow. Bet that set off Thomas Vonn when he got wind of that one. But it gets better because she took Parker and his friends out for a dancing good time.

Lindsay said “He invited me over to his friend’s house for, like, the family pictures and stuff. So I went over and then I – pretty much all the kids wanted to ride in my car over to the dance, so I think we may have fit a few too many kids into my car, but my Audi definitely handled it well. But we pulled up in style.”

A plug for using the Audi for dating. Nice.

Vonn said Parker showed her how to o the Dougie, and “Parker had some pretty good moves…It was definitely a fun night.”

Here’s the video link.

This blogger can’t help but think that it included a little grind dancing as the night wore on, too. It was a nice gesture on Vonn’s part, rewarding a young teen’s courage, but why did she really do it? It’s hard not wonder if Vonn would have done the same thing if the kid was black?

In other words, to what degree was Lindsey Vonn ‘just being nice’ versus her actually being attracted to a 16-year old white male teenager? If you take a good look at the photos in the video, it looks like Vonn’s not wearing her wedding ring. Plus, as of this writing, photos of Linsey and Parker are at the top of her Facebook page – not her husband.

In fact, a photo Vonn has of herself on her Facebook page and from the 16th Grand Slam for Children, Andre Agassi Foundation event, shows her alone and – as a close up of her left hand reveals – without her wedding ring.

And that was on October 30th, days before the November 7th day Parker asked Vonn to the Homecoming Dance.

Something was wrong.

The bet here is that Vonn’s got some wild oats she wants to sew – too wild for Thomas Vonn, who filed the divorce papers.

Ah, the questions people don’t want to deal with. If this were Parker’s teacher, and not the best Olympic skier in a generation, people would be talking about how inappropriate such a date would have been – instead, CBS says it’s “cute.’

Stay tuned.

On Tumblr @Zennie62

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