Oneindia Entertainment Telugu movie Manam has received fantabulous response in the international market. Late legendary Tollywood actor Akkineni Nageswara Rao’s last movie has done superb collection at the USA Box Office in the first weekend and topped the business chart, … Box Office: ‘Manam’ Rock Steady; ‘Kotha Janta’ Three-Week CollectionsInternational Business Times, India Edition |
Source: Movie Box Office News By Google
Zennie Abraham | Zennie Abraham or “Zennie62” is the founder of Zennie62Media which consists of and a multimedia blog news aggregator and video network, and 78-blog network, with social media and content development services and consulting. Zennie is a pioneer video blogger, YouTube Partner, social media practitioner, game developer, and pundit. Note: news aggregator content does not reflect the personal views of Mr. Abraham.