President Obama Says Jersey Shore ‘Open For Business’

President Obama is rocking Jersey Shore and Twitter with the historic declaration “Jersey Shore is open for business” today.

US-WEATHER-STORM-SANDY-OBAMA And stop for a moment and consider that Barack Obama has presided over more natural and social disasters than any American President in our history. From the Economic Crisis, to Sandy Hook, and the Oklahoma Tornado, then the BP Oil Spill, and the Boston Marathon Bombing, the Aurora Theater Shooting, and Hurricane Sandy, which devastated the Jersey Shore last year, President Obama’s nickname “healer in Chief” is well-earned.

The reopening of the once-devastated Jersey Shore is a great example of how the healing is far more than just words, it’s action. Last year, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie got President Obama’s help before he asked for it, and after a delay of aide by the GOP-led-Congress that was massively awful and shameful, the objective of getting Jersey Shore to this point was met after a lot of work by many.

The Jersey Shore reopened this Memorial Day Weekend, and you can see some of the festivities at the Jersey Shore Convention and Visitors Bureau Facebook Page.

Government does work.

Stay tuned.

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