Dennis Rodman Broke? What About Paltalk Sponsor?

Dennis Rodman
The latest news trend says that NBA Hall Of Fame Legend Dennis Rodman is broke and faces possible jail time over $800,000 in child and spousal support. His own financial advisor, Peggy Williams, is quoted as saying that he’s “broke” and that “In all honesty, Dennis, although a very sweet person, is an alcoholic. His sickness impacts his ability to get work.”

For his part, Rodman has not officially communicated his view of this news. Everyone else associated with him has been talking about him today. But what I’m wondering is how much is Dennis getting paid for his appearances and name, like lending his name and schedule to the promotion of the PalTalk devices as CES Las Vegas?

As you can see from the video above, Dennis still draws a crowd, and even today his name’s the number five most searched for term on Google according to Google Trends (see the image).

So, with all of this interest in Dennis Rodman, how could be be broke, if only not getting paid what he’s worth on top of spending too much money? One report has him spending $31,000 a month on I don’t know what.

Sadly, Peggy Williams says Rodman has no “job, savings or even a checking account.”

That’ why I wondered about Paltalk, which certainly got a huge boost of name recognition from its association with Rodman at CES.

Calls made to Paltalk representatives were not answered as of this writing, but I’d bet if I looked at Dennis’ sponsorships I’d find a severely underpaid celebrity.

Stay tuned.

UPDATE: I talked with a Paltalk spokesperson and she said that the CES Las Vegas engagement with Rodman was just for the show, and not for, say, a year or even a few months. But, as you can see, Paltalk’s name gets out there with Dennis, even months later.

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