George Zimmerman Had Five Guns, 100 Rounds Of Ammo When Arrested For Domestic Violence

Trayvon-Martin-George-Zimmerman-620x457George Zimmerman, acquitted of the shooting of Trayvon Martin, proves weekly that he’s lost his mind in the wake of getting off not-guilty.

Zimmerman was said to have five guns and 100 rounds of ammunition in his possession when he was arrested on the charge of domestic violence against his now-ex girlfriend Samantha Schiebe.

Here’s the vlog on George Zimmerman’s encounter with law enforcement and Schiebe of two weeks ago:

This is the list of items found at his home, or more correctly, the home he shared with Samantha Schiebe:

1) Three handguns
2) A 12-gauge shotgun,
3) A rifle
4) 106 rounds of ammunition, plus two AR-15 magazines.
5) Three handgun holsters
6) A pack of gum,
7) A religious pendant
8) A flashlight,
9) A pocket knife
10) Sanitizing wipe,
11) A soft-sided gun case

What one person, let alone George Zimmerman, needs with three handguns, a 12-gauge shotgun, a rifle, and 106 rounds of ammo is the question of the day. Looks like he was planning for war – against someone.

Zimmerman’s $9,000 bail agreement had the following conditions:

1) George Zimmerman cannot go to two Florida addresses.
2) Zimmerman cannot have contact with the accuser, Samantha Scheibe.
3) George can’t possess weapons.
4) George must wear a monitoring device.
5) Zimmerman cannot travel outside Florida.

Stay tuned.

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