Google AdSense Disables Ads On Blog Over One Sidney Leathers Post

Google-Adsense-Logo Someone at Google AdSense seems to be working for the Anthony Weiner for New York Mayor campaign.

Google AdSense disabled all ads running over the 13,000 blog posts of, and for one blog entry that reported how Anthony Weiner’s “sexting” (can I use that term, Google?) mistress lied to WLS radio station and actually made a sex video.

There was no link to the video, and no link to the website of the company that made it. Nothing like that.

But even with that, again, all ads running over the 13,000 blog posts of were disabled.

So then, I go an take out the p-word, and there’s still a problem!

If you think about it, that’s a chilling form of censorship. Since there’s no attempt to show – well, I guess I can’t use the p-word now, right – I suppose I just can’t blog about Sidney Leathers. Right?

I mean all of this stuff with Google Adsense didn’t happen when she was revealed, only recently, and after she worked to become a, er, man – p-word star.

For Google AdSense to do this is really sad and questionable. I’ve used Google AdSense for almost 10 years – which is about the time that it’s been in existence. You’d think someone over there would say “Hey, give this guy a break, he’s been with us since the beginning,” right?

So much for loyalty.

Moreover, I think I know why Google’s Stock price dipped from $900 to $800: Sidney Leathers and its draconian Google AdSense policies.

Stay tuned.

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