Oakland Mayor Jean Quan Announces Plans For Week

Ever since this blogger blasted Mayor Quan for the lack of reporting on the Las Vegas trip, her staff (Susan Piper) has been very good in getting emails that report on Jean’s plans for the week; it’s only right that I post them, I think.

So with that, here’s what Piper sent over:

Tuesday, June 28, 10 am
City Team Ministries Breakfast of Champions (9-11 am)
Allen Temple Baptist Church, 8501 International Blvd., Oakland
Former ABAG Executive Director Henry Gardner leads a panel discussion with Susan Adams, Marin
Mayor Jean Quan will address local business and community leaders, pastors and ministry workers at
this annual event for City Team Oakland, which has been serving the homeless and low income
families for the last 50+ years. Prior to taking on the name “City Team”, they were known as Penial
Mission dating back to the 1800’s.
Thursday, June 30, 5:30-6:30 pm

Ribbon Cutting of the new East Oakland Sports Center
9161 Edes Avenue, Oakland
Mayor Jean Quan joins Council President Larry Reid and other dignitaries at the grand opening of this
long awaited sports center for East Oakland, located near the Mayor’s adopted East Oakland Beats
(33x & 34x).

Congrats to Larry on the opening of the sports center. He’s worked on that for something like 16 years, going all the way back to conversations with Ken Rawlings of Otis Spunkmeyer Cookies. Now, it’s a reality.

Stay tuned.

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