Hollywood And Social Media – Zennie Abraham On Tonya Hall Show 8 AM PST

Tonya Hall
This blogger, me, or Zennie Abraham, will be on The Tonya Hall Show yapping about my new favorite topic: Hollywood and Social Media. If you’ve never heard of The Tonya Hall Show, it’s a popular and fast-rising radio program exclusively devoted to social media.

I’m losing count, but if memory serves, this will be my 11th appearance on her program, which originates from Colorado Springs, Co (where it’s snowing) and is now The Radio Colorado Network, a Bloomberg Radio affiliate, on KRCN, 1060AM, Denver, Boulder, and Ft. Collins, and KREL – 1580AM, in Colorado Springs, and Pueblo, Co. One thing’s for sure, I’m developing quite a name for myself in Colorado, thanks to Tonya.

Oh, Tonya Hall is founder and CEO of Barzhini Marketing (yes, that Barzhini from The Godfather), and is a media journalist and, of course, host of the Tonya Hall Show. She’s also my friend, even though – believe it or not – I’ve yet to meet her in person! A more typical development than you might think, if you’re in the Internet business, especially social media.

What are we going to talk about under the subject heading of ‘Hollywood And Social Media’? Well, this set of bullet points I sent to Ms. Hall should give you an idea:

1. Academy Awards Nominations Announcement dominated Twitter during the time the early morning telecast was on, but more important, according to Trendistic, “Oscar” as a term used had a duration of almost 24 hours, starting Monday night at 7 PM and hitting it’s peak at 6:30 AM on Tuesday. The movie “The Artist” actually faired better in percentage share, with 22-100ths of 1 percent pf all Twitter tweets for it’s 7 hour duration; Oscar beat it in duration.

2. For the time that “Oscar” was hottest, it represented almost one percent of all Tweets, which doesn’t sound like much, but consider that most of the time all a term needs is a 1 percent to 2 percent share to break into the Twitter Top Ten.

3. On Tuesday and at the peak of exposure for the Noms show which was the morning between 6 AM and 7 AM, six of the Top Ten Twitter trends were related to the Oscars.

4. This is a more intense Twitter reaction (not a search reaction) this year than in 2011, but I think it’s hit a peak. Still, it reflects how more and more “common” people are using Twitter on a regular basis. Now, the demographic most likely to tweet is being influenced by new Twitter users, who may not tweet as often, but do so on occasions that are important to them.

5. What this forecasts now is increased buzz for Oscar’s February Awards show, but also I think this is a ratings issue in itself. Can you imagine if an advertiser had bought a Twitter term related to Oscar and promoted it for Tuesday? Something like “Oscars Noms by Ford” would have been a massive success. It would have cut through the overwhelming dominance of the State of The Union Speech, which ruled the entire day, where Oscar’s best moment was early in the morning.

We may also talk about Social TV, the new buzz-term for the use of platforms like Get Glue, Twitter, and San Francisco-based Playkast to discuss what we’re watching and in the example of Playkast, win prizes and coupons associated with our activity.

That’s just the start, but I think that’s enough material to form into great verbal show content.

Tonya Hall Show Streamed

You can listen to the Tonya Hall Show live online here: http://www.tonyahall.net/index.htm

Stay tuned!

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