Steak Shapiro’s Atlanta Eats TV Show On PeachTreeTV, In CBS Hold

Brooke Baldwin And Steak Shapiro
Steak Shapiro, the now-former host of the now-cancelled Radio 790 The Zone Mayhem In The AM show, has seen his new (and I have to admit, interesting) Atlanta Eats show moved to PeachtreeTV, and off CBS.

For why all this happened, this video blog explains the fallout when Steve “Steak Shapiro, Nick Cellini, and Chris Dimino elected to make a fake interview with a computer-aided-voiced Steve Gleason, the retired New Orleans Saints Safety who has ALS, or “Lou Gehrig’s Disease.” ALS has caused Gleason to lose his ability to walk and talk, and TeamGleason has worked tirelessly to raise money for research into the prevention of ALS.

Steve “Steak” Shapiro, Nick Cellini, and Chris Dimino were all fired immediately that Monday of not this week, but the previous week. Eventually, the wonder was what would happen with Shapiro’s Atlanta Eats show, but then it looked like CBS would retain its Saturday morning 10:30 AM time slot, as the CBS Atlanta general manager had not made an announcement on the show’s future.

But, according to Access Atlanta, the matter was addressed more behind the scenes than in public. CBS-Atlanta has reportedly elected to “hold” Atlanta Eats while it works to determine a future slate of programming. That’s the party line, but given that it’s immediately not showing on CBS-Atlanta as of this last weekend, it’s hard to look at the move as not related to the Mayhem In The AM episode.

Nick Cellini To Donate Some Earnings To Team Gleason

Meanwhile, Nick Cellini has said that he would donate a portion of his future earnings to

Stay tuned.

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